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Accreditation is defined by The Nautical Institute as the systematic verification of the processes, procedures, methods and techniques employed to deliver a maritime training product or service in accordance with standards defined, co-developed or approved by The Nautical Institute. A Standard is an approved specification of course content and management control procedures that a provider has to meet. The approver or issuer of a Standard can either be a regulatory body or a recognised subject matter institute.
In order to impart DP Courses, a training centre must meet the requirements of the DP Operator Training Scheme Accreditation Standards which is set up by the Nautical Institute. They need to be audited and accredited by the Nautical Institute. The Nautical Institute DP Operator training scheme is the industry-recognised learning route to becoming a qualified Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO). It is a not-for-profit scheme administered by The Nautical Institute - a Registered Charity (No.1002462). The Nautical Institute has managed the scheme since its inception in the mid 1980’s and in conjunction with the industry has developed the certification criteria. It administers the certification of DPO’s together with the accreditation of the training providers.
By contacting the Nautical Institute Accreditations Department, email accreditations@nautinst.org . You will then be contacted and given guidance for preparing yourself for an NI Audit and subsequent accreditation. The accreditation standard and application form can be downloaded at: (add link to the pages for the standard and application)
Typically a new accreditation will require the costs of performing the audit. This will be a two day audit by two auditors (administrative and technical auditors) and the Centre will need to bear the expenses for their travel, accommodation, local transport and meals. The auditors fees is £1067 per day per person and a typical audit would include an additional day for pre-audit check of documents and two additional days for travels to and from the Centre. The price for Certification is £190 and the price for revalidation is £179, exclusive of VAT if applicable. The NI charges a 15% administrative cost of top of the expenses.
An accredited DP Training Centre will be able contribute to the DP Industry by offering suitable courses to aspiring DPOs. As an approved Centre, it can hold DP Courses such as Induction, Simulator and Sea Time Reduction. The DPOs passing the courses will be recognized by all Owners and Charterers in the ever expanding DP industry.
The accreditation validity is for three years after which the centre will need to be re-accredited.
During the audit, the NI will look at a prospective trainer’s competency and their subject knowledge, the course technical content and the administration and training policies of the provider. Full details of the requirements will be made available.
There are currently 83 accredited DP training centres worldwide.
Many training centres look at the simulator requirements but neglect to set up a proper teaching methodology in place. Many accreditations are refused do to the lack a proper technical material and incorrect teaching methodology, which impacts on the training of the students. A second critical point is the instructor initial training programme, which requires a minimum of 5 weeks training with an approved senior instructor from an accredited training centre.
The Institute uses a traffic light system to highlight the most important items that affect the result of an accreditation. Technical requirements are considered the critical items and the most important ones for a centre to gain the accreditation standard. Administrative items are important and a good document control and management system is required to be in place as they affect and impact the certification of DP operators. Facilities are taken as no major item, unless is identifiable any real concerns in terms of Health and Safety and lecture rooms, which may affect the learning environment and results of the training. All of them are integrated and described in details in the accreditation standard.