

Shuttle Tanker Scheme


The DP Induction Course and DP Simulator Course are required for trainees on the Shuttle Tanker Scheme. Trainee DP operators on the Shuttle Tanker Scheme are also required to complete Course A and B. 

Course C of the Shuttle Tanker Scheme has been withdrawn with effect from 1st January 2017


DP Induction Course


This course involves both theory and practice on a simulated DP system and covers the following topics:


• Principles of DP

• Elements of the DP system

• Practical operation of the DP system

• Position reference systems

• Environment sensors and ancillary equipment

• Power generation and supply and propulsion

• DP operations


DP Simulator Course


This course principally involves simulated DP operations including errors, faults and failures, giving the participants the opportunity to apply the lessons learnt in both the Induction course and the time spent during seagoing DP familiarisation. It covers the following topics:


• Practical operation of the DP system

• DP operations

• DP alarms, warnings and emergency procedures


Course A (position reference systems)


Training courses provided by the manufacturers of position reference systems. These courses are presently recognied, not accredited, by The Nautical Institute.


Course B (offshore loading)


This is a five-day simulator training course with a total of 30 hours of instruction that concentrates on shuttle tanker specific behaviours and includes exercises for a range of offshore loading installation types. This course is accredited by The Nautical Institute.