

Guidance & Application



 You can find the details regarding applying online for revalidation as follows:


Online Application Guide

You can use this document to help guide you through the online application process:

Revalidation Online Application Guide - V3.1 - June 2018


NMD to NI DP Certificate Equivalency

If you are the holder of a red NMD DP certificate you are able to apply for the equivalent NI DP certificate. Click on DP Login at the top of the page and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new application. (Online application guide coming soon).


DP Revalidation Course

If you are due to revalidate your DP Certificate but do not have enough or any DP sea time logged, you can attend the DP Revalidation Course at one of our approved training centres. Once you have completed the course, you can log into your online account and apply straight away for your revalidation.

The Revalidation Course may be completed up to six months before the revalidation date set by the NI. The course will be valid for a period of 12 months only, in which you must send in an application into the NI. If you are completing the course for the first time, there is no minimum DP sea time requirement.


Revalidation Logbook Guide

The Nautical Institute Revalidation Logbook is now available to purchase online. Please click here to order. Please note that the name and DP Certificate number will be entered in the logbook when issued.


This new green logbook is A5 sized with 60 pages and a flexible cover designed to be more lightweight than the previous A5 logbooks. This logbook can be used for the revalidation of the Offshore DP Certificate and Shuttle Tanker DP Certificate. It can also be used for the conversion of a DP Certificate.


To assist in the completing of the logbook, we have issued a guidance document explaining the different sections of the logbook and how to add the correct information.


Revalidation Logbook Cover

Revalidation Logbook Guide - V2 - August 2017


Revalidating and Converting to Shuttle Tanker Scheme

If you would like to revalidate your Offshore DP certificate as a Shuttle Tanker DP certificate you can purchase a new Shuttle Tanker logbook from The Nautical Institute. Please send the below form into our office with the required documents:

Request to purchase new Shuttle Tanker logbook