

Online Guides

Changes to DP Revalidation Requirements 


To make sure that DP operators keep pace with the developing standards in a fast-changing industry, DPOs renewing their certificates which are expiring from 1 January 2024 will now be asked to demonstrate Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as well as experience. One of the routes is to complete an NI Accredited CPD programme, as well as completing The NI Revalidation Online Exam. To make it easier for DPO’s to complete The NI Revalidation Online Exam element of the requirements, we have added the function of booking it directly from their NI AlexisPlatform accounts. Below we have provided the following guides to help you follow the process of booking the exam, as well as how to complete your online application to revalidate your certificate. 


Booking the Remote revalidation Exam 


Please click here for a downloadable online guide which will help you through the process of booking the Remote Revalidation Exam on your NI Alexis Platform website account. 


Online Application Guide - Offshore Revalidation 

Please click here for a downloadable online guide which will help you through the application process on the NI Alexis Platform website. 


Please note that the revalidation process is now online only, and you no longer need to send your documents into The Nautical Institute unless specifically requested to do so.